imam i12 flash file without password-Alif Telecom - ALIF TELECOM -->



Monday, December 27, 2021

imam i12 flash file without password-Alif Telecom




This Firmware Not password protected

it's free

imam i12 android (Firmware) Tested File free 

imam i12 Download Tested flash file(Firmware) without password. I'm sure you were looking for an imam i12 flash (firmware) file software. you have a visit to our site to search for your imam i12 (firmware) file. If you have come to our website for this imam i12flash (firmware) file software. many many thanks and welcome our website. We upload original and Tested flash (firmware) files, keypad phone flash files, Flashing software tool,  FRP Unlock tools, and many more tool software on our site. There is no issue/problem with downloading files from our website. if you have any issue downloading please contact us by email.

Why need this Firmware

Hang On Logo Fix, Dead Boot Repair, Reset Done, Fastboot Mode Fix,  LCD or show dark or white Baseband Unknown, LCD Problem FIX,                                          

**Some apps are crashing.

**Some apps are not open.

**Wipe/Format out the cache files.

**Recovery mode.


**To clear the cache partition.

**Unfortunately, restore the phone.


Install the MTK USB Driver on your PC. Allows your Android phone to connect to the computer Devices via USB drives, Android phone external hard drives.

Phone Read Information

Created by Infinity-Box (c) 2021
Chinese Miracle II: MediaTek Service Module
Device Info file: _Android_info.txt

Patch Level: MRA58K
Display ID     : i12_A816HBZ_V203F3_2020061717061592387911
Ver. CodeName  : REL
Ver. Release: 6.0
Sec. Patch: 2016-09-05
Build Time: 17.06.2020
Product Model: T702
Product Brand: IMAM
Product Name: i12
Product Device: i12
Product Manfct: IMAM
Board Platform: mt6580
Product Info: i12

IMAM i12 Flash File 6580 MTK CHIPSET
File Name: imam i12
CPU: Media Tek  (MTK) 6580 CPU
File Type: RAR
File Size:663 MB
USB Driver: MTK USB Drivers

Flash File Download Link: Google Drive

Flash File password Download Link

Easily You can download imam i12 this Firmware from Google Drive. First  We tested practically all flash files then upload here>>> So stay Connected with us on our website Alif Free File Site. visit our site