Symphony i10 plus flash file without password - ALIF TELECOM -->



Sunday, March 13, 2022

Symphony i10 plus flash file without password




Dear Mobile Technician/Engineer, Welcome to our site and extraordinary news for you.  I am imparting to you the most recent refreshed  Symphony__i10_plusFlash File upload here. Tested flash file. I'm sure you were looking for Symphony__i10_plus Flash File MTK 6580 Chipset CPU mobile flash file software. you have a visit to our site to search for updated flash file Symphony__i10_plus Flash File software. If you have come to our website for this  Flash File many many thanks to you. you download Free Flash file software without any password on our site. We upload tested Flash (Firmware) files on our site. download it easily and flash your phone.




Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]

1. Power Off Phone, Remove battery, Insert back

2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey

Wait for the phone...

Phone found! [ 4 ]


Inital Boot Ok!

BB_CPU_PID : 6580

BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00

BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000

Processing BROM stage

Settings for BROM configured!

SecCfgVal : 0x00000000

BromVer   : 0x00FF

BLVersion : 0x0001

PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]


Processing DA stage

DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.00.00

Sending and initialize DA ...

Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x9C


eMMC Flash : 150100464536324D4203A2149BD44517

Initialize Memory ... 

DRAM already initialized by Preloader

DAgent sent , init HW now

eMMC FlashIC initialized

[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100


[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 150100464536324D4203A2149BD44517

[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000

[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000003A3E00000

[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 14910 MiB [eMMC 16 GiB]

DEV RID    : 0x65C3491319A235F15573B30E83CD4F2D

INT RAM    : 0x00020000

EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]



Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : Symphony

ProdName  : i10_plus

ProdModel : i10 plus

Device    : i10_plus

AndroidVer: 7.0

MTKxCPU   : MT6580

MTKxPRJ   : alps-mp-n0.mp2-V1_tinno6580.we.n_P136

[Read Ok] : preloader_v3730.bin

[Read Ok] : lk.bin

[Read Ok] : boot.img

[Read Ok] : recovery.img

[Read Ok] : logo.bin

[Read Ok] : secro.img

[Read Ok] : system.img

[Read Ok] : cache.img

[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / v3730 / EMMC

Android Info saved

HWConfig Info saved

FW Size : 3232 MiB

Scatter saved to : C:\User File\MT6580__Symphony__i10_plus__i10_plus__7.0__alps-mp-n0.mp2-V1_tinno6580.we.n_P136\

All done!

Brand: Symphony i10 plus

Symphony i10 plus Flash File
File Name: Symphony i10 plus Flash File
CPU: Mediatek (MTK) 6580
File Type: RAR
File Size: 1.15=GB
USB Driver: MTK USB Drivers
Flash Tool: InfinityBox CM2MTK device
Flash File Download Link: Google Drive

Update Firmware for some reason.

Flashing firmware is the process of installing a new operating system on your Android device. Flashing firmware is usually only necessary when your current operating system is causing a lot of issues and you’re unable to fix them through other means. Flashing firmware can be a bit daunting for those who have never done it before, but it’s a simple process if you follow the right steps. You can flash the firmware on your Android device using the same methods as installing a new operating system on a desktop computer.

Why need Symphony i10 plus Firmware for your phone?

This Flash File (Stock Official Rom) additionally helps you to repair the Mobile device, it's facing any pin, pattern code Issue. phone Restart On Off, Frp Remove, droop On power Fix, Camera Error Fix, Monkey Virus, Hanging while  Device Running, Pin Lock, Pattern Lock, Face Look, Privacy Lock, Fastboot Mode,  Recovery Mode. you may fix every kind of issue that you just face.

How To Flash Symphony i10 plus


 instructions>>>1. Download and separate the Symphony flash file on your PC.
 instructions>>>2. then extract the downloaded firmware with the WinRAR or 7zip.
 instructions>>>3. Install the MTK USB Driver on your computer or Laptop.
 instructions>>>4. Open Cm2 InfinityBox CM2MTK  or another MTK tool.
 instructions>>>5. Choose C.P.U. kind/ CPU Type, Example-6580 chipset
 instructions>>>6. Add flash file on the tool
 instructions>>>7. Click the beginning button.
 instructions>>>8. Connected your phones via USB cable to the computer Laptop.
 instructions>>>9. Insert the battery in mobile, must have charged your device battery 80.
 instructions>>>10. That is alright! Presently start your flash the installation process.
 instructions>>>11. Congratulations! You have effectively Flashed your Phone.

Important Note:

Must backup your device document. document means, For example, backup your image, video important file,  and flash it Otherwise, important data will be ERASED/ be careful.
Then back up the Install Flash File( firmware) of your Android or cell phone to the computer with any device If your phone is dead after giving another firmware, Additionally, actually, take a look at your model number before then downloading this flash file. thanks to all for visiting our website

Suggestions: We test each file ourselves and upload it after we are 100% sure. so you can download this file. First look at your device model then starts downloading the file from google drive

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